Monday, May 21, 2012

Love at first pedal.


I'm Myrna. This would be my first time blogging and I think its about time I do. Plus I am inspired by my B, The Chubby Cruiser.

I love biking, its my new passion and love.

It all started in Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 2009. Beautiful, green and a super bike friendly town. The best way to get around was to bike it. And so I did. It was love at first pedal. The wind in my hair, the smell of nature intensified as I went faster. My lungs opened, my body felt alive. I biked it to work, to home, to beach, to everywhere. Me and that bike were inseparable.

When my time ended in Woods Hole and coming back home to NYC, I fiend for a bike, it was this itch I could not scratch. It was this caged bird feeling!

Every time I saw someone on a bike, I would just have flashbacks of the great times I had with that bike. I longed for a Trek, the Trek I used at my time in Woods Hole. BUT with my student budget, I caved and got a Men's Mountain Diamondback Bike in 2010. I got my freedom back, my silver wings! :)

The Boss

February 18, 2011- Guy in a suburban truck makes a stupid right turn, knocks me off my bike. 
The Boss gets totaled. RIP ...

In an instance, I was having a delicious mid-February ride to going to the hospital. 
In a second, my freedom was smashed and broken by careless motorists.
I still remember the sound of my bike being crushed under the car and thinking...."holy crap, my bike saved my life!" It was literally either my leg or my bike frame. I was shaking, crying, couldn't think straight, I couldn't walk straight. It was the most scariest moment of my life. I went to the hospital and got myself checked out. I WAS FINE! Only sprained ankle but further tests showed my kneecap got displaced.

I was out of commission for almost a year. No bike, no running, no working out, nothing :( 
I. was. so. depressed. 


After months of physical therapy, getting strength back on my knee and mental preparedness. I was (kinda) ready for my next bike. This time, a <3 Trek <3.


January 31, 2012- Women's Trek 7000 Hybrid

I was hesitant on a hybrid at first. I was used to men sizes in bikes but the second I hopped on her. It was like the birds started to sing, the sky opened, it was like a slipped on Cinderellas shoe ^_^ 

<3 Love at first pedal <3

Taking her home was the most nerve wrecking thing I did in one whole year. After riding between traffic, running red lights, being an asshole on the streets on NYC to riding on the sidewalk terrified. I started to trust again in my bike, in myself more and more. I started remembering the feeling of freedom, of my body being alive and active. 

And yes this has an after school special feel to it. I LEARNED MY LESSON! I stay to the right and on bike lanes, I signal, I wear my helmet (I know, I know!), I learned to be safer on the street because you never know...
100 miles of freedom

100 miles is how much I, me, have done in order to come back.
I cried when I saw this. It represent so much. It shows me how I can survive something and come back strong. How I don't let things bring me down.  Hopefully how I can inspire other women to do the same. 

So far I have done 170 miles with her in about 4 months. I have been to Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn and aaaaalll over Queens! I even rode with wedges and a shirt! HAHA!

My next conquest:Tour de Brooklyn

Me and Dollie at Central Park